The Church Heyday T-Shirt
US Tour 1985
PRODUCT: The Church Heyday US Tour 1985
PICTURE SIZE: A3 (Front) / A4 (Back)
T-SHIRT MODEL: Stanley / Stella Rocker (Man/Unisex) Sol’s Regent (Woman)
PRICE: 32€
The Church Heyday US Tour 1985 . Double sided. High quality designed T-Shirt.
Limited edition 25 handnumbered copies only!
Green Slime Shop presents a new t-shirt for its ON TOUR series, this time we have replicated the t-shirt from the American tour of the Australian band The Church during the summer of 1985. For this we have used exactly the same photograph, with a new realization that surpasses by far the original, and the original typographies in the same position and colours, but with a Stanley/Stella t-shirt of a quality, fabrics and manufacturing values that have nothing to do with the original.
That year was a crucial year for the Australian band as they became a worldwide known band thanks to the great album they presented on that tour Heyday which contained songs such as Tantalized, Coumbus, Myrrh, etc. In fact, they stayed in the United States to record their next album, the famous Starfish, which made them commercially famous.